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Sanghyuk Park Coindesk Korea Reporter

"CryptoQuant's Quicktake is a platform that you can check easily on real-time data-driven market analyses of professional analysts. It provides easy-to-digest, valid, and actionable information for retail investors. That's the reason why Coindesk Korea is translating Quicktake posting for Korean investors.

📝 How to use Quicktake better

스크린샷 2022-01-06 오후 4.52.47.png

  1. Check the tags to save your time! #Bullish : Analysis that predicts the price rise #Bearish : Analysis that predicts the price fall #On-chain analysis: Analysis based on blockchain transactional data #Technical analysis: Analysis based on cryptocurrency price and trading volume #Sentiment analysis: Analysis based on market sentiment data

  2. To read previous analyses, check the profile You can read analyst's previous postings by clicking the profile.

  3. Check charts images In order to fully understand the posting, check the supplements in charts. Charts visualize the contents that cannot be covered in the posting texts.

  4. Share your bias Share your thoughts on whether the posts are indicating Bullish/Bearish price actions, and also monitor general users’ sentiment

  1. Compare with live charts You can check the real-time value of the data mentioned in the posting by clicking View Live Chart. Compare the charts to see that the posting's backup data are currently valid.

  2. Save posting